3800 Useful Chinese Sentences Pdf Creator

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3800 Useful Chinese Sentences Pdf Creator3800 Useful Chinese Sentences Pdf Creator

What is Learned in This Lesson? Every language has structures and patterns for forming sentences. Mandarin Chinese is just the same. Needless to say, it is very important to learn the most commonly used Mandarin Chinese sentence patterns. This will help students form complete sentences and make it easier for Chinese language learners, or CSL language learners, to begin to speak fluently and express their opinions, thoughts and daily happenings accurately. Many students know many Chinese words, but lack the ability to use such Mandarin vocabulary fluently in speaking or writing Chinese; understanding how to use common Mandarin sentence structures is a great way to polish up your Chinese and make better use of your Chinese vocabulary.

Chinese Learning Resources,learn Chinese Pinyin Online. Short Chinese Stories; 3800 Useful Chinese Sentences. Our Chinese Classroom 1 PDF - A Best Chinese.

A 比 B. Piezas Caracteristicas Moreno Torroba Pdf Files there. (bi3) 比 (bi3) is the character that is used for comparisons in Mandarin Chinese. For those who have yet to learn how to make comparisons in Chinese, this is the most useful character to learn. Used in a sentence, its structure is pretty simple; the structure goes as follows: A 比 B and then an adjective.

Have a look at a couple of examples: 今天的天气比昨天的天气热。(Jin tian de tian qi bi zuo tian de tian qi re) = The weather today is hotter than the weather yesterday. 他的篮球比我的篮球好。(Ta de lan qiu bi wo de lan qiu hao) = He is better at basketball than me. 虽然。。。可是 (sui1ran2.ke3shi4) 虽然 means 'although' or 'though' and 可是 means 'but' or 'however.' This 可是 is placed here for emphasis. Check out a few example usages to get the hang of this commonly used Chinese sentence structure: 虽然老师很严 格,可是他心低不坏。(Sui ran lao shi hen yan ge, ke shi ta xin di bu huai) = Although the teacher is very strict, he is good person at heart.

虽 然下雨很大,可是我还想去打高尔夫。(Sui ran xia yu hen da, ke shi wo hai xiang qu da gao er fu) = Though the rain is very big, I still want to go play golf. 当。。。的时候 (dang1.de shi2 hou) When you say 'when' in Chinese, you must use the enclosed structure of '当。。。的时候.'

当 means 'to be' or 'to be equal to' in this sense and 的时候 means 'time' or 'when' in this sense. In spoken Chinese, the 当 is not necessary but it is always good to add for clarity. Notice that the time expression of 时候 comes after the topic of the sentence. 当我去中国的时候,我买了很多纪念品。(dang wo qu zhong guo de shi hou, wo mai le hen duo ji nian pin) = When I went to China, I bought lots of souvenirs. 我小的时候,我很喜欢吃肯德基。(wo xiao de shi hou, wo hen xi huan chi ken de ji) = When I was little, I really liked to eat KFC.

English Pronounced Pinyin Chinese mp3 Hello Nee haoww ni3hao3 你好 How are you? Nee haoww mah? Ni3hao3 ma 你好吗 Good/ok Haoww hao3 好 Not good Boo haoww bu4hao3 不好 Have you eaten? Nee chrr luh mah? Ni3 chi1 le ma 你吃了吗 I've eaten. Wor chrr luh wo3 chi1 le 我吃了 I've not eaten yet. Wor hi may chrr wo3 hai2 mei2 chi1 我还没吃 Good morning Dzaoww-shung haoww zao3shanghao3 早上好 Good afternoon Sshyah-woo haoww xia4wu3 hao3 下午好 Good evening Wan-shung haoww wan3shang hao3 晚上好 Bye-bye.

Bye-bye bai4bai 拜拜 See you later. Dzeye jyen zai4 jian4 再见 What is your surname? John Scofield Out Louder Rare. (formal) Neen gway sshing?

Nin2 gui4 xing4 ? 您贵姓? My surname is. Wo3 xing4 我姓 What's your name? (informal) Nee jyaoww shnn-muh ming-zuh? Ni3 jiao4 shen2me ming2zi ? 你叫什么名字? I'm called. Wo3 jiao4 我叫 Do you want.? Yaoww-boo-yaoww yao4bu yao4 ? 要不要? I want.

Wo3 yao4 我要 I don't want. Wor bu yaoww. Wo3 bu2yao4 我不要 I want to go to. Wor yaoww chyoo.

Wo3 yao4 qu4 我要去 I want to go to the toilet. Wor yaoww chyoo tser-swor. Wo3 yao4 qu4 ce4suo3 。 我要去厕所。 Where is.? Dzeye nah-lee? Zai4 na3li ? 在哪里? Where is the bathroom?

Sshee shoh jyen dzeye nah-lee? Xi3 shou3 jian1 zai4 na3li ? 洗手间在哪里? I'm hungry. Wor urr luh wo3 e4 le 我饿了 I'm thirsty.

Wor ker luh wo3 ke3 le 我渴了 I'm tired. Wor lay luh wo3 lei4 le 我累了 What is this?

Jer shrr shnn-muh? Zhe4 shi4 shen2me ? 这是什么? This is. Zhe4 shi4 这是 I like. Wor sshee-hwan. Wo3 xi3huan 我喜欢 I don't like. Wor boo-sshee-hwan.

Wo3 bu4xi3huan 我不喜欢 Please help me. Ching bung-joo wor qing3 bang1zhu4 wo3 请帮助我 Have Yoh you3 有 Don't have May-yoh mei2you3 没有 I have. Wo3 you3 我有 Do you have.?

Audio Files Directions Stop! Ting Turn left zaw Turn right yo Go straight chee'an Here Jur lee At the restaurant Chopstick kwhy za Knife dow Fork char z Spoon sheow z Water shway Coke kur la Bill my dan Pronouns I / Me wore You knee He / She / It tar Figures of speech That's good how That's not good boo how It was nice hun how There are some words and sentences that can be pronounced by the phonetic English. Although there are some differences between the pronunciations, most Chinese people can still understand what you mean.