Advantages And Disadvantages Of Customization Of General Purpose Software

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I think you have all the main points here. I also recently wrote an article on this comparing bespoke software with off-the-shelf and database packages, each has it's place in the market place and it just depends on research done into the businesses industry, size and marketing to determine which is the best solution.

Hierarchical Data Grid View Events. Hopefully the efficiency calculator on my website will help some businesses with their decison 2 years ago. The advantages and disadvantages of customising software2 • 1. 1Paige ShirleyUnit 9 Customising Software9_1 Meeting a Users needs •  Most software can be customised to suit the requirements ofthe user. There are a number of reasons why we might to usecustomising software.

Application software is responsible for the efficient functionality of computing devices. The advantages and disadvantages of application software are enlisted in the. Course Hero Keygen Photoshop.

Examples of general purpose software include, word applications, databases, spreadsheet software, Web design and drawing and photo editing programs. These software provide multiple tools for editing or creating different kinds of projects.

It can be adapted to suit different projects within a broad range of tasks, like editing school photos or creating the art for a book cover. The user only has to pay for and install one program on their computer.

Plus, these programs are widely available and come with plenty of user support, like manuals and user forums.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Customization Of General Purpose Software