Anstoss 3 Originaldaten 2011 Iraqi

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Thomas Schirrmacher, PhD, DD, (born 1960) is President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, and Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns (Theology, Theological Education, Intrafaith and Interfaith Relations, Religious Freedom, Research), which networks churches with appr. 600 million conservative Protestant Christians, chair of its theological commission, and director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (Bonn, Cape Town, Colombo, Brasilia), the largest research network for religious freedom and against persecution of Christians and other religions and world views.

Anstoss 3 Originaldaten 2011 Iraqi

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Rubin and Schwanitz consider alliances forged among Nazi leaders, Arab nationalists, and Muslim religious authorities. They draw on recent research in European, American, and Middle East archives in considering Nazism, Islamism, and jihad. Kolb, Ph.D., Naval Historical Foundation, Washington DC, May 29, This book tells a remarkable and – to me at least – little known but very important story. The particular focus is on a fellow named Amin al-Husaini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem between from 1921 to 1948. Both Al-Husaini and, a bit later, Hitler inherited a project hatched by the German officials in World War I, namely, to start an Islamist Jihad against the Western Powers in the Middle East. The two found common cause in this project: al-Husaini wanted the French and British out and Hitler wanted to Germany to dominate the region.

But they were also united by another cause: eliminationist Jew-hatred. It's essential reading for anyone interest in either of these subjects. A truly path-breaking study.

Poe, Editor-in-Chief of, May 11, 2014 [ 1:00:19], [10:16 min]. Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas has paid homage to al-Husaini, which inevitably casts a shadow over that for the first time, Abbas issued a special statement for Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day describing the Holocaust as “the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era. Descargar Resident Evil 2 Iso Psx Español Mf. ” This statement shouldn’t be dismissed lightly, since it will no doubt trigger furious reactions by all those who insist that the Palestinian “nakba” was a comparable tragedy. Nevertheless, those who will now rush to praise Abbas for this statement should pause for a moment and consider how much more could be achieved for the prospects of genuine reconciliation and peace if the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world were finally willing to confront their own historical connections to the Nazi era. Petra Marquardt-Bigman, Author of, The Jerusalem Post Blog, April 27. The odd-couple marriage between Nazis and Arab nationalists has come under increasingly revealing scrutiny over the last decade. Here, fresh research from previously unexamined archives explicitly ties that frightening nexus to today’s Middle East.

Gene Santoro, Magazine, (5/6 2014)83, Arlington, Virginia Rubin and Schwanitz take care to make a necessary distinction: al-Hajj Muhammad Amin al-Husaini and his successors and imitators are not themselves actual Nazis, but the process of interaction led them to adopt whatever they found congenial in that inhuman ideology. Thoroughly researched and closely argued, this book exposes the reality that the selfsame follies and crimes that wrecked the continent of Europe are now wrecking the Muslim Middle East. David Pryce-Jones,,, March 10,, Author of Rubin and Schwanitz do an illuminating job showing the extent of the partnership between Germans and Islamists; this is by far the best part of their book.

Germany had a long history of encouraging Jihadism even before Hitler’s rise to power. The story of Germany’s effort to spark a Muslim uprising against British rule during WWI, as well as the alliance between Germany and the genocidal Ottoman government, is grippingly told here. [] David Mikics, Author of, Tablet Magazine, February 3, 'This book is a model of original research and the ultimate scholarly study of German-Arab and German-Muslim cooperation during the first half of the twentieth century, covering both World Wars. It is a major contribution in the field, a magnum opus.” Professor Emeritus Jacob M. Landau, Author of, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Readers will see this high-quality volume 'Germany and the Middle East, 1871-1945,' as a success precisely in that its plenitude of in-depth research automatically raises more questions in our minds than it answers. Can we therefore hope for more such scholarship, both about German imperialism and about the Middle East in the 1871–1945 period?

In any case, we look forward to the forthcoming study of the United States, the two Germanys following World War II, and their interplay with the region. Lenni Brenner, Journal of Palestine Studies, 37(2008)2.

E ight scholars have all extensively researched their respective subject. The story of Arab-German relations has been frequently subject to biased and tendentious research and politically motivated media coverage. Against this background, this volume refutes the myth of an ideologically motivated German solidarity with the Arabs during the years of the German Empire, the Republic of Weimar and especially under Nazi rule. It is a valuable source for every reader who is interested in the history of German-Middle Eastern relations. Thoroughly researched, it presents its findings well, based on archival sources and documents. As a matter-of-factly account, this volume may hopefully contribute to a de-mystification of the history of Arab-German relations.