Blackjack Multi Advisor Serial Podcast

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Blackjack Multi Advisor Serial Podcast

First glimpse of an obsidian arrowhead amongst painted bowls. This season marked the first phase of my dissertation data collection at the site. My dissertation investigates interactions between mobile pastoralists, local polities, and external empires in the Late Bronze through Early Iron Age (1500-800 BCE) South Caucasus through the perspective of population mobility and migration. I use biogeochemical analyses of human remains contextualized with changes in construction of mortuary space to reconstruct these behaviors and interactions. Kurgan CR2 stone circle. Drivers Motherboard Ecs 945gzt M there. Removal of topsoil revealed that each feature was a kurgan with inner and outer stone circles and stone mounding that extended about 2m below the surface. Layer after layer of large stone removal was challenging, but proved to be worthwhile after discovering the grave pit.Forty-two complete Middle Bronze ceramic vessels (many painted with designs), a bronze cauldron, a bronze dagger, a bronze spearhead, obsidian arrowheads, and a large quantity of fine beads (glass, carnelian, hematite, marine shell, and bronze) were among the many beautiful burial artifacts discovered over the course of excavations.

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In addition, all three kurgans were filled with an abundance of animal bone, including whole bovid skulls and whole/articulated caprids. While the largest kurgan did not contain human remains, the two smaller kurgans had fascinating inhumations. Cluster of whole Middle Bronze ceramic vessels in kurgan CR3.

In addition to participating in an extraordinary season of excavation at Qızqala’s kurgans, it was a privilege to work alongside an excellent team of archaeologists with a wide variety of specialties. I not only had a chance to significantly develop my dissertation research, but also had the opportunity to develop as a scholar with insights gained through the various perspectives and extensive experiences of our directors and fellow graduate students. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this blog or found by following any link on this blog. ASOR will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information.

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