Brilliant Traces Cindy Lou Johnson Pdf To Excel
Brilliant traces script.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD. Learn more Info for Support. Brilliant Traces. I created a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. In the spreadsheet I include the event or title of the archive material, the medium, size, quantity and. Cindy Lou Johnson's Brilliant. Traces - Directed by Julie Hebert invite/mailer. Cindy Lou Johnson's Brilliant. Traces - Directed.
Photo Source: Tommy Burruss In playwright Cindy Lou Johnson's emotionally searing, intentionally claustrophobic one-act, two desperate loners collide in a rustic cabin in the middle of the Alaskan tundra that's worthy of the Unabomber. It is the home of Henry (Andy Wagner), a painfully introverted cook on an isolated oilrig whose workers put in seven-week stretches, then are given two weeks off to keep from going crazy. Instead of socializing during his free time, however, Henry retreats into a hermitlike existence in this cabin, 400 miles even deeper into the frozen wilderness. Henry's self-imposed seclusion is interrupted by a nearly frozen, wildly shrieking stranger (Tessa Ferrer), who, as he sleeps, slams through his door in a tattered wedding dress looking like the lone survivor in the last reel of an original movie on the Syfy Channel. Altec Lansing Acs 160 Manual Meat on this page.
Henry remains speechless on his bed as Tessa spews out an incoherent story of her unexpected arrival. 'Life leaves shreds of me to come back for later,' she wails as he peeks out from under a mound of blankets. After a two-day sleep (interpreted in a series of overly long filmic montage blackouts), Tessa wakes. Michael Badnarik Good To Be King Pdf Editor. Utilizing their one trait in common, a painful lack of socialization skills, the two try to figure out how she got there and how long, considering the white-out conditions outside, she must stay. Under John Hindman's starkly muscular direction, Wagner and Ferrer take on what in lesser hands could be an impossibly didactic script and characters extremely hard to care about, bringing an uncanny depth to this pair of badly mismatched outsiders. Although Ferrer works a bit too hard at first in her effort to introduce the audience to Tessa, she soon settles into a wonderfully rich, intellectually intricate performance.
Wagner meets this challenge with a palpable fearlessness, creating a guy who is simultaneously heartrending and just a little scary. Two-character plays about lonely people who find themselves unexpectedly in each other's company are not exactly new. Nevertheless, Johnson's poetic, often gossamer dialogue, Hindman's steady guidance, and two startlingly simple but affecting performances lift this diamond-in-the-rough and give it depth and brilliance. Presented by 80 West Productions at the Lounge Theatre 2, 6201 Santa Monica Blvd., L.A. And Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 2:30 p.m. (323) 960-7788.
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