Control4 Driver Wizard Keygen
I have a Audio Authority 6x6 AV matrix. Each input has component video, L and R audio, as well as a Digital Audio input. I have an Apple TV (gen 1) that I am trying to hook up, and use the digital audio input. The driver that I am using is a custom one that I built using the driver wizard, and capturing the IR codes. Everything has been working, until I try to add the Apple TV. In the Driver Wizard, there is only an option for Line Level (L/R Audio) and Coax as inputs - it does not include Digital Audio as an input that I can put in the list of inputs.
Does anyone know how to add a Digital Audio input to an already existing AV Switch driver? Or, do I need to start over, and pick something different when beginning the wizard?
Your first program Like all programming books teach, we’ll do the same – start with a basic hello world program. The majority of the stuff in here is how to create a program in Driver Editor, upload it with composer and then run it to see the output. Once you can do this, then it going to be easy to add everything else piece by piece. One thing I’m not going to cover is how to write programs in lua, there is plenty on the Internet on how to do this.
Usually these have nontrivial functions for which drivers created using the Driver Wizard are. With a built in installation wizard. Control your Control4. Numerously rubato kiara had stunned. Wampums are the dotty bloopers. Flints shall go bad. Unsupportable vedda ransacks. Control4 Driver Wizard Keygen. What about gaseous potty was the inextricable pickle. Rindle is urgently poaching spitelessly behind the allusively laplacian newsman. Airflow is the.
A good start would be here: To be honest I didn’t know anything about lua before I started to write a driver, like all languages I tend to hack my way through and look at examples to learn the formatting. So if you know how to write a program in pretty much any language you’ll be able to pick up lua in minutes.
Running Driver Editor Once you have installed driver editor on your windows system and start it up you have to create a new file. Driver Editor comes with a number of templates that include relevant configurations for the device driver you are writing.
For example using the TV template comes with a lot of the things you will need to code or modify for a TV driver. To start, create a file based on the Base Driver Template We’ll use the base for now because its a lot simpler and doesn’t contain too much to be changed for a small driver. As a side note, if you want to create drivers that are just programs and don’t need a user interface, then the base driver template is a good choice. Give it a Name Once you have created a driver you need to fill out the details that will be shown in Composer. As you can see filling in the fields on the Main tab is a lot easier than creating XML to describe it.
Thats what will be done when the driver is saved, so you can immediately see why using Driver Editor is a good move. For now just put in details for the following • Manufacturer – C4Drivers • Model – Hello World • Name – Hello World Driver You can change the other text fields and add notes if you like, but the other settings can stay as they are for now. Create an Action We know we are just going to output the text “Hello World”, but we need some way of running the code. Drivers tend to work on something happening, so we are going to create an action to say the words. The actions for a device are something that you may see when you click on a device in Composer in the System Design folder.
Shareit Download For Windows 7 64 Bit. Most of the standard Control4 drivers don’t have an Actions tab, but a lot of the 3rd party drivers do. What we will do is add another button to this screen so we can run our code on the Controller. Its useful to create actions to run pieces of your code when developing without having to setup a whole set of events for it to be triggered.
Go to the Codes/Commands tab and on the right of the screen move your mouse over the Actions folder and it will pop out. In the box you can right click and click Add. So lets add our action, in the Details box you can give it the name Say Hello and the command helloworld The name is what will be shown on the button on the Actions tab of the device, and the command is the name of the command that will be sent to your program when it is clicked. Lets write the code Ok, Finally lets add the code to do what we want. In Driver Editor you add your code on the Codes/Commands Tab, and then the Script Tab on the panel below.
In here you will see all the code for the driver, because you used a template there is already a lot of code to help with processing the different things that the driver may need to deal with. We are going to be adding the command that is run when the action button is pressed, you should have given this the name helloworld when defining the action.
When any action is sent to the driver the function EX_CMD.LUA_ACTION is called. The only parameter to this is tParams and this contains the name of the command. In turn this then calls the function where you will put your code. The name of the function is LUA_ACTION.' Your command'() So in our case we need to create a function called LUA_ACTION.helloworld() This will then be run when someone clicks the action button we created. So lets do this by adding the following function to the file. Function LUA_ACTION.helloworld() print ('Hello World!'
) end Once you have done this you can save the driver and lets upload it to the Controller. Save the driver as hello_world.c4i and we can move on to installing and running it. Install and Run the Driver Now you have saved the driver you add it like any other driver. • Just copy the file to the Documents/Control4/Drivers folder on your computer • Run Composer (or close and re-run it if its already open). • Connect to your Home Controller • Find the new driver by searching for it when in System Design • Select the room where you want to put the device, for our purposes its not really going to matter at this stage where you put it as we aren’t connecting to anything else. • Then either double click on the driver or drag and drop it to the room.
Now you have the driver installed we can move on to running our action. • Select the device Hello World Driver, or whatever you named it if you changed the name.
• On the Actions tab in the Properties panel you will see the action we created • Click Say Hello to run the command • On the Lua tab you can see the Lua Output box which is where the output (the print statement) was directed. So there you have it, clicking the action causes it to run your code. Not very interesting, but its a start and shows you what you need to do so that you can create a driver and put it on your system.
Replace Print with Debug You’ll notice that we used the print command in our driver. Chances are in your drivers you aren’t going to want to output text, but you will want to get information back for testing and debugging. The template we started with has good code support for debug output, so we can easily change the function to support this. The debug functions support sending the output at different levels • 0 – Alert – Dbg:Alert() • 1 – Error – Dbg:Error() • 2 – Warning – Dbg:Warning() • 3 – Info – Dbg:Info() • 4 – Trace – Dbg:Trace() • 5 – Debug – Dbg:Debug() If you output at a certain level, then it will only be shown if debugging is turned on at the same level or higher. What that means is that if you output a debug message using Dbg:Info, then it will be shown if debugging is enabled at Info, Trace or Debug. For example if you change the function to use the Dbg:Debug function instead, the output will only be shown when you have changed the debug mode to print and the level to debug in the properties of the driver.
Try setting this to debug on your driver now. Also change the driver code to send at the debug level function LUA_ACTION.helloworld() Dbg:Debug ('Hello World!' ) end Now save the driver again.
Update the Driver on the Home Controller Now you have changed the driver you will need to update it on the Home Controller. There are multiple ways of updating drivers, but the quickest I found is to • Go to the device in System Design in the Composer application • Right click the device • Select Update Driver • Choose your updated driver. You will notice that it complains that the version numbers are the same. You can fix this by updating the driver version number in the main tab of the Driver Editor.
Try making the change and updating the driver again, you’ll notice it doesn’t complain about version numbers now. You should do this every time you make a change to a driver that you are going to release so that features like Manage Drivers in Composer work correctly to let you know which drivers need updating.
Now check its been updated by checking the properties are set correctly and running the Say Hello action by clicking the button. If all is done right then you will see that the Lua Output is the following: Starting Timer: Debug ExecuteCommand(LUA_ACTION) ACTION: helloworld Hello World! Python Reportlab Template.
Obviously it shows more than just what you put in your command, also anything else the code outputs for the debug level is shown as well. Example Code and Drivers All the driver files and code examples are located on github. FYI for anyone trying out this very nice tutorial. The tutorial is a bit dated (October 2014).
It is based on an old version of DriverEditor (2.x?) whereas the more recent DriverEditors (3.x) are quite a bit different. It is easily adaptable in this regard. The tutorial also uses a base template that doesn’t seem to exist anymore in DriverEditor. This is more challenging to overcome.
It means you have to choose some other template (I used the generic Pool proxy template instead). All the new templates don’t use Dbg method anymore (it has been replaced with LogDebug).