Download Material Libraries 3ds Max 2009

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Rating System UpdateDue to our old rating system being heavily abused in the past, we've decided to implement a new system to reward creators of outstanding shaders. Our team of moderators and administrators will tag the very best materials with either silver or gold badges - our 'staff picks'.

Download Material Libraries 3ds Max 2009

And we currently work on a special trophy for the best of the best - which you can display in your own portfolio or website. We will keep you updated! And if you like our site, feel free to donate:D At present there are 872563 registered users and 2681 materials on this site.

Download Material Libraries 3ds Max 2009

DOWNLOAD, and -Samplescene right here! The FAQs are a collection of Frequently Asked Questions about this site. If you have got a problem, read the answers below. If you are still stuck up, you can contact us:.

03 March 2004, 05:10 AM. I am a bit of a n00b to 3dsmax and I was wondering if anyone else was missing the viewportmanager.gup Plugin when trying to open this.mat. If you like this material, download the zip scene form here (Max 5.1 scanline.

What is that V-Ray thing? Download Ws Ftp 12 Rapidshare Downloader more. V-Ray is a renderer for 3DsMax, which enables photorealistic 3D renderings. Check out the offical site at 2. What are these materials for? Our site offers photorealistic, free materials to all V-Ray users. Just download the materials you need and put them in your scene. What does this service cost?

We developed this site for free and we want to keep it free. The materials are from V-Ray users for V-Ray users. There is no premium-membership or something like that - every user has the same rights, for free. Can I support your site? Yes of course. This site lives from your uploads.

If youve got a cool material, just download our, put your material on it, render a sample pic with our presets and upload the material. So keep up the good work! License All uploaded materials are free - there is only one restriction: It's not allowed to resell these materials. This is a free project and so are the materials! HOW TO use this scene This scene has been constructed and balanced very carefully, providing a neutral environment which should be suitable for all kinds of materials. It does not influence colors or the luminance of a material.

To guarantee a 100% comparability of all materials, it is absolutely essential that you do not modify the scene in its characteristic values, especially the light, the environment, the lightintensity or materials other than the main materias (the BUMTURD itself and the inner sphere) of the scene. You are 'allowed' to: Influence the scene in any way that has to do with the main material! That means, you can e.g. Create light emitting materials or use Displacement to modify the shape of the main object. If you want to share a material with other users, please upload an uncompressed Sample-Rendering (use the preset camera) as well as a material-library with your settings and all corresponding maps and textures. DO NOT upload the HDR-Files and the Max-Scene again.

Please keep in mind that it takes some time for the admins to have a look at your material and include it into the galery. Renderings of heaviliy modified scenes will not be accepted. If you still want to modify the scene, e.g. Schwinn Occ Stingray Serial Numbers. For special effects or special environments, you can upload your rendering in the 'special effects' category. This is the only category where we will accept modified scene-renderings. © 2011 Hoppe & Schrenk Marketing GbR The HDRI-Map in our Sample-Scene was kindly sponsored.