Driver Cpc Module 2 Lgv Example Case Studies
Case Study Questions for the Theory Test Are you ready for the NEW style Theory Test? Since 28th September 2009 you need to answer a case study-style question as part of your Theory Test.
Make sure you use the latest training material. Looking for the Official questions for the Theory Test?
In your Theory Test you will be presented with one case study where you will be required to answer 5 questions that are related to the scenario displayed on screen. Each question will still be in the multiple choice format as with the other Theory Test questions. Terra Mobile 1511 Treiber Download here.
You will still need to answer 50 multiple choice questions that are broken down as follows: - 45 multiple choice questions 5 multiple choice questions that relate to the case study The pass mark remains at 43/50. An example of the type of case study questions are shown below. There is nothing to be worried about providing you know all the current questions in the 'Official DVSA Theory Test' question bank. © Crown Copyright 2009 Driving Standards Agency © Crown Copyright 2009 Driving Standards Agency © Crown Copyright 2009 Driving Standards Agency © Crown Copyright 2009 Driving Standards Agency © Crown Copyright 2009 Driving Standards Agency.
LGV theory, Hazard perception, case studies tests and initial driver CPC. 130 Module 2 Case Studies with over 800 questions suitable for the DVSA Initial Driver. Ic Plus Ip100 Fast Ethernet Adapter Драйвер Windows Xp. The Complete Driver CPC Training Course for LGV: Module 2 Case Study Test and Module 4 for LGV: Module 2 & Module 4 on
About Initial Driver CPC: Mod 2 & Mod 4 Initial Driver CPC, formally known as Module 2 & Module 4, is a two-part test for LGV or PCV drivers who are gaining their Driver Qualification Card (DQC) for the first time. Driver CPC is mandatory for anyone who wishes to use their LGV or PCV licence (C1, C1E, C, CE or D1, D1E, D, DE) to drive professionally. Once you have completed both Module 2 + Module 4, you will be issued with your DQC. This card should be kept on you at all times when driving.
Driver Qualification Cards have a 5 year validity, starting the day you passed your Module 4 test. You will then be required to complete during this 5 year period, to extend your DQC for a further 5 years. It is worth noting that the Initial CPC can only be completed once – after this, you can only complete to renew or refresh your DQC. Although it is the same process, you would need to complete a seperate Module 2 + Module 4 for both LGV and PCV entitlements. Above: Example of a Drivers Qualification Card (DQC) Step One: CPC Case Studies Theory Test (Mod 2) You must first complete Module 2 – the Case Studies theory test.
This test is 75 minutes in duration, and made up of 50 questions in total. You will see 7 case studies, and have a series of multiple choice style answers. You will need to score 40 out of a possible 50 marks to pass this test. The case studies are designed to test your knowledge, comprehension and application. This is done by creating a scenario or a set of circumstances that you may encounter in your day-to-day tasks as a professional driver. You will need to answer the questions depending on you would react or behave in these situations. If you are also completing LGV or PCV driver training with us, we will normally arrange this test with your Multiple Choice & Hazard Perception theory tests.
We can arrange this test to suit your availability, and will provide access to our online theory portal – this contains all the material you will need to prepare for and pass the test. Above: Our Online Theory Support for Driver CPC Case Studies Step Two: CPC Practical Demonstration Test (Mod 4) Once you have passed the Module 2: Case Studies theory test, you are ready for the practical demonstration test. This is a practical test, however there is no driving involved. The examiner will ask you five questions around the vehicle, to which you must explain and demonstrate your answer. The test will last a maximum of 30 minutes. Questions will relate to safety of the vehicle, security, prevention of illegal activity, load or passenger care, responding to emergency situations and defect reporting.
Ahead of the test, we provide a 2.5 hour training session in preparation. During the session, you will be covering all aspects and questions that could be asked during the examination.
If you are completing CPC Mod 4 for LGV, you may be asked to demonstrate using a restraining device on the load demonstration trolley. You will have time to practice this during the session. You will then leave with all paperwork and guidance notes, and return a few days later for your 30 minute test slot. There will be an opportunity before your test to recap anything you are unsure on, and we offer free telephone/email/drop-in support between your training and test date. If you are completing your PCV or LGV driver training with us, the CPC Mod 4 will usually follow shortly after your course, providing you have passed the Mod 2 Case Studies theory test. Upon completion, you will receive your Driver Qualification Card (DQC). Driver Qualification Cards have a 5 year validity, starting the day you passed your CPC Mod 4 test.
Above: Our CPC Demonstration Trolley (for LGV Mod 4) at Heads of the Valleys Training Centre.