E Howard Hunt Deathbed Confession Transcript
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Howard Hunt’s son, Saint John Hunt, released an audio of his father’s deathbed confession taken over a series of father-son meetings in 2007, but the.
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Non-reddit resources • • • •. According to my father LBJ and it seems just about everyone else in the military- industrial complex viewed Kennedy as a threat and wanted him out of the way.
LBJ, knowing that if Kennedy served another term would place him completely out of the presidential throne, was open to suggestions and agreed to control the investigation and cover up in return for his chance at the oval office.' Lucien Sarti, was the Cosican assassin who, dressed as a policeman fired the fatal head shot from the grassy knoll. He was flown out of Dallas the day of the assassination according to witnesses.' Always suspected LBJ was in on it, no mention of Bush although his name has been mentioned, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover wrote this memo 5 days after the assassination, naming George Bush as a CIA officer. The last, and most crucial paragraph, is very hard to read. The following is a transcription: “The substance of the forgoing information was orally furnished to Mr.
George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. Forsyth of this Bureau. When it was first released in 1978, George Bush was an obscure bureaucrat, a virtual unknown. So when the best researchers on the planet saw this memo in 1978, they didn’t pay much attention to it. When Bush became vice president two years later, no one was able to connect his now well-known name to this obscure memo.' Systools Eml To Pst Converter Serial there.