Mesa Boogie Serial Number Lookup

Posted onby admin

60 or 100W, 1-12 in. speaker, guitar combo, eight-tube chassis, preamp: 4 X 12AX7, power: 4 X 6L6GC, two channels, optional reverb, front black control panel, two inputs, six black knobs (v1, v2, MV, t, b, m), optional five-band graphic EQ (later models), standy switch, power switch, rear panel: ground switch, slave out jack with level control, optional presence control, optional reverb control, speaker jacks, available in a wood cabinet with a wicker cane grille or white Tolex with a brown grille, includes serial numbers 1-2999, mfg. Download Driver Printer Hp Laserjet P2014 For Windows 7 more. 60 or 100W, 1-12 in. or optional 1-15 in.

Their serial number is in numerable order. For example I have a R-0064. Meaning it's the 64th Recto made from Mesa Boogie. You can take the chassis out and see the hand writing from the tech who assemble the amp, for example mine is 3/92. It's easy to do. - Rock Your Axe Off!

Mesa Boogie Serial Number Lookup

I had a tirple rectifier a few years ago and sold it about a year ago, and i kept the cab.when i bought the triple rec cab around the same time i bought the tirple rec i bought it used off guitar but i read it too quickly, after i bought it i re read the description it didn't say what kind of mesa cab it was. I shouud've called and asked them i know. Romancero Gitano Tedesco Pdf.

Anyway i went ahead and used it with the tirple rectifier either i wasn't impressed by the tiple rec or the cab wasn't very good.but then again im not blasting the tirpler im playing at a basement level volume so i couldn't get much saturation so that was most likely the problem or the cab. However i did try the mesa cab with my other amp (a raven solid state) and it sounded great.but im still wanting to know if my mesa cab is a rectifier cab before i purchase a mini rectifier. Im thinking of getting one soon and get back into mesa tone is there anyway way to know if my mes acab is a rectifier cab for sure? Does it even matter are all mesa cabs the same???