Ps2 Hd Loader 0 8c Isoniazid
Anyone know what the compatibility is like for slim ps2 using a hdd? Is there a compatibility list?
Just asking that's all, I know I could spend time googling but this thread seem fitting. I dont think it possible with slim is it?
Download HDLoader 48bit HDL2HD • Tools @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming. Playstation 2 Isos; Playstation (PSX). HDLoader 48bit HDL2HD Update.
I have the slim and kind of wish id got the fat now just for this.Yes I cant be arsed to google I don't think it's possible with Slim PS2 either. I have a Slim PS2, but I'm not looking for a Fat one because I have a SwapMagic 3.6 boot CD and Magic Keys 2. BTW, I've made this thread sticky for the time being.
There is a a newly Patched ver of Hdloader ver 0.8A you can download the ELF from here. - No disc seek while loading (stops freezing at splash screen on V9 and later models). - Compatibility menu facelift with new built-in modes (with some improvements). - V12/13 PSTwo support (for Automan's interface). - Stop CDVD-drive motor after loading (use ONLY when booting from a disc on V9 and later models). - Bigger game list (fit more titles on screen).
- Force HDLoader UI into NTSC-mode on PAL machines (fullscreen image). - LBA 48bit patch (allows full use of HDDs up to 2 terabytes).
- Auto idle off fix to stop HDD from shutting down while left idling. - MDMA/UDMA-mode selector through user configurable button layout while HDLoader starts. - Swap X/O buttons for japanese style controls. - Disable all features from the UI except playing games. - Position screen. Download Mod Henshin Kamen Rider Gta Sa.
- Force default language. - Change graphics (splash, main & the button image). - Change font. - Change colors and texts from a separate textfiles. - Extract images, font data, colors & texts from HDLoader.
Metin2 Yang Hack Dowland here. Soon maybe we'll need to start a thread with Fix Game Compatibility links. So i can follow these directions, but use the new 0.8a elf instead, right? Download these: Independance Compiler: HD Loader Patched.ELF unzip the elf file and save it to where ever you can remember it's loaction. Open up Independance Compiler. Follow the below instructions and DO NOT change any settings or click any buttons that your not directed to do or it wont work. Click the 'close this window' button near the bottom right.
Click on the 'Title.db' tab put a PS1 game into your CD drive and select that drive in the title.db windown. Click on the 'get id from cd' and it should pop up in the window above. If it does click 'add to title.db' if it does not come up (most of the time it should) then open that drive with your windows explorer and find the SCUS or SLUS file and single click that file, on the left side of windows explorer you should then see information about the file, and it will have the code as SCUS_xxx.xx or SLUS_xxx.xx the _ may be a - but most often not.
Write this id exactly as it is here into the space in Independance Compiler where it says 'Enter ID Here', then click add. Now select the 'Files' tab. And click on 'browse for file' and select the hddlfpp.elf file (where ever you put it at when you unzipped it) then click Add.
Now click the 'Creat Exploit' tab, click 'creat exploit' button at the bottom. Wait till it's done, it will say the exploit has been completed and the file is located at C: iscentral open your burn software and burn that ISO file to a CD make sure your memory card is in the first slot of the PS2 (the left port or bottom port, depending on the orentation you have your PS2 sitting) use your swap magic to boot the CD-R disk you just burnt as if it were a PS2 game, you should see the PS2 splash screen then the screen will go black and then text pops up saying 'installing exploit' then copying file 'XXXXXXX' leave it alone till it says 'complete' eject the exploit disk. If your ps1 game is an original, put it in and boot. If your ps1 game is a backup use swap magic to boot it. When you try to boot the ps1 game the exploit will trigger (the only disk that will trigger this is the one you used when you made the title.db above) the screen will come up to 'press select to configuer' press select select the location named 'default' and press O (it's the very top selection) you should then get a browser type screen. Scroll down to mc0: and press O scroll down to BSDATA-SYSTEM and press O scroll down to the hdlfpp.elf and press O you'll now pop back to the configuration screen. Scroll down to TIMEOUT and press X to take that number to 0 scroll down to OK and press 0 now your all set and configuered to exploit from the mc any time that ps1 disk is booted.
Hit reset with the PS1 disk still in the console and you'll boot HD Loader directly.