Free Download Program Buku Pemasaran Philip Kotler Edisi 13 News
Great Stella Cracks. Judul: Manajemen Pemasaran (Jilid 1) (Edisi 13) Oleh Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller Penerbit: Erlangga Tahun: 2015 Kota: Jakarta Jenis kertas: HVS Tebal: 376 hal Sinopsis Buku: Edisi pertama buku 'Marketing Management' ini terbit pada tahun 1967 memperkenalkan konsep bahwa perusahaan harus mengusung semangat customer-and-market driven. Selanjutnya, empat puluh tahun berikutnya, melalui edisi-edisi selanjutnya, Koller yang dikenal sebagai mahaguru manajemen pemasaran memperkenalkan konsep-konsep pemasaran modern seperti 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion), STP (Segmenting, Targetting, Positioning), Brand Equity, Customer Value Analysis, Database Marketing, E-Commerce, Value Networks, Hybrid Channels, Supply Cain Management, dan Integrated Marketing Communication.
Tidak heran, sebagai buku teks nomor satu dibidangnya, buku 'Marketing Management' yang dipakai di berbagai Universitas terkemuka ini telah diterjemahkan ke 26 Bahasa. Selain itu, buku ini juga sudah khusus diadaptasi untuk pasar Asia, Kanada, ERopa, Afrika, Timur Tengah, dan Australia. Kini, edisi ke-13 ini, buku ini telah direvisi demi mengakomodasi berbagai perubahan yang terjadi pada teknik-teknik pemasaran dan organisasinya. Maka tidak diragukan lagi, bahwa dengan menguasai isi buku 'Manajemen Pemasaran, Edisi Ke-13' ini, mahasiswa akan memiliki bekal yang solid dalam menghadapi tantangan pemasaran modern abad ke-21. Manajemen Pemasaran (Jilid 1) (Edisi 13). Alhamdulillah:) Jikalau anda berminat silakan klik BELI [jempol] NB: - Mohon mengecek ketersediaan stok buku dengan kirim pesan dulu ke seller via PM yg disediakan - Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu - Jika ingin menanyakan buku lain silakan kirim pesan ke seller via PM yg disediakan [ok].
PHILIP KOTLER. Northwestern University. KEVIN LANE KELLER. Dartmouth College. Prentice Hall. Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco. Designing and Managing Services 354. Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs 382. Delivering Value 414. Chapter 15.Missing.
Bookmark Author Subjects;; Audience Specialized Summary he world leader in marketing management is now focused on your world. Marketing Management is the leading marketing management text around the world due to its content and organisation consistently reflecting changes in marketing theory and practice. This new global edition has retained the integrity of Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller’s work, with Suzan Burton enhancing this 13th US edition to include Australian references, case studies, statistical data and trends, and regulatory bodies and government legislation where appropriate in the context of global marketing management. The inclusion of a global case database gives instructors a new resource to compliment their teaching of marketing management. Understanding Marketing Management. Chapter 1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century. Chapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans -- Pt.
Capturing Marketing Insights. Chapter 3 Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment. Chapter 4 Conducting Market Research and Forecasting Demand -- Pt. Connecting with Customers.
Chapter 5 Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty. Chapter 6 Analysing Consumer Markets. Chapter 7 Analysing Business Markets. Chapter 8 Identifying Market Segments and Targets -- Pt.
Building Strong Brands. Chapter 9 Creating Brand Equity. Chapter 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning. Chapter 11 Dealing with Competition -- Pt.
Shaping the Market Offerings. Chapter 12 Setting Product Strategy. Chapter 13 Designing and Managing Services. Chapter 14 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs -- Pt. Delivering Value.
Chapter 15 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing. Chapter 16 Managing Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics -- Pt. Communicating Value. Chapter 17 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications. Chapter 18 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations.
How To Install Vray Material Converters there. Chapter 19 Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Interactive Marketing, Word-of-Mouth and Personal Selling -- Pt. Creating Successful Long-Term Growth. Chapter 20 Introducing New Market Offerings. Chapter 21 Tapping into Global Markets.
Chapter 22 Managing a Holistic Marketing Organisation. 1st adaptation ed. Wikipedia Read associated articles:,,,,,, Bookmark Work ID 4070618.